Kilpatrick Hills, West Dunbartonshire
This scenic circuit combines a ring around Jaw Reservoir with Cochno Hill, from which there are superb views both towards the Glasgow conurbation and across the Kilpatrick Hills to Duncolm and even Ben Lomond. Some of the paths are pretty soggy, especially on the section around the reservoir: this part can be omitted for a less varied, but shorter and drier walk! The ascent and descent are complemented by some attractive waterfalls.
Chronological photo guide
Start / finish at Auchnacraig Woodland Park, Cochno Road, north side of Faifley
O.S. Grid Reference: NS 503740
GPS coordinates: 55.935771,-4.397942
Bus to Faifley (0.5 mi via footpath link)
Car park
Key info
10 km / 6 mi | ▲ 280 m |
3-3.5 hr
Grey Mare’s Tail waterfall;
Jaw Reservoir; ✞ Cairnhowit Chambered Cairn;
Cochno Loch; △ Cochno Hill (348 m);
Greenside Reservoir
⬤ Moderate | Rough paths, tracks & minor road return. Optional section around north side of Jaw Reservoir is very boggy in places; some boggy areas elsewhere too (big leaps required!).
Anticlockwise circuit: start – Grey Mare’s Tail waterfall – optional anticlockwise near-circuit of Jaw Reservoir, with detour to Cairnhowit Chambered Cairn – Cochno Hill – Greenside Reservoir outflow – Cochno Filters – start

On our last visit
Wildlife: Cows & sheep in fields next to ascent track. Horses grazing on path around Jaw Reservoir. Many Canada geese, a grey heron, possibly a peregrine falcon. Ripe blackberries.
Weather: Sunny with a few clouds building, light breeze, eventually reaching 15°C.
September 2023