To help support future development of Scotland Off the Beaten Track, please consider donating via PayPal using the button below.
Why am I asking for donations?
Scotland Off the Beaten Track’s website will always be free to view, and aims to be the best independent online resource for exploring Scotland and Northern England. Nevertheless, with over 2,200 places currently featured, maintaining the site is increasingly costly and time consuming. I am therefore very grateful for any voluntary donations; see below for how they may be used.
If you’re able to contribute, please use the PayPal button above, which will take you to their secure site. If you use SOBT regularly, please consider setting up a monthly donation – even just for the price of a coffee – which gives me the security of a regular income. I understand there are far more deserving causes, and therefore very much appreciate any contribution you may feel able to make.

How will your donation help?
Your donation will help improve the site for everyone. Contributions go towards site running costs (hosting / storage); if there is any money left over after this, it enables me to spend more time improving and expanding the online guide, particularly for areas of Scotland which are more difficult or expensive to reach (such as more remote parts of the Highlands and Islands).
In 2024 I plan to significantly improve coverage of the Shetland Isles, Highland, Aberdeenshire, southern & central Scotland and Northumberland, as well as additions elsewhere in Scotland.
Just discovered this site! Amazing. Love it. Keep up the great work. I’ve made a wee donation as an act of gratitude 💛
Thank you Carolyn, both for the kind comment and for the donation!