Paisley, Renfrewshire
Once great, having since fallen on hard times, but still somehow standing proud… that’s no way to talk about Paisley! But it’s an apt description of this 15th century, L-plan tower house in the town’s southern suburbs. Originally built on dry ground within an area of marshland, since the 1800s it’s been completely surrounded by the waters of Stanely Reservoir which lap directly at the walls. Not much to see here, and getting to a decent viewpoint requires negotiating a rather muddy footpath, but it’s an interesting insight into what this area used to be like before being overtaken by urban sprawl.
Stanely Reservoir, 2 mi southwest of Paisley town centre
O.S. Grid Reference: NS 464616
GPS coordinates: 55.823371,-4.454004
Gleniffer Road (B775) junction with Glenburn Road
Street parking at Gleniffer Road (B775) junction with Glenburn Road,
NS 468616 /
Key info
Always viewable from reservoir bank
From Gleniffer Road it’s a 10-min walk (each way) to the castle. Pass through the white gates opposite Glenburn Road, turn left, then follow the southern bank for 400m to the castle view. This involves crossing a reservoir inflow channel (usually dry, but possibly full after rain) with a muddy woodland path beyond.