Welcome to Scotland Off the Beaten Track – the honest travel guide to Scotland and Northern England!
Welcome! I’ve been exploring Scotland and Northern England since 2011 and love sharing my experiences here. I write about the places I visit and plot them on an interactive map, which you can use for itinerary planning, directions or general inspiration.

Getting “Off the Beaten Track”
Scotland Off the Beaten Track aims to help you find new places to visit – whether you’re a first time visitor or a seasoned local.
Scotland’s full of amazing places, but some of the most popular spots are under pressure from overtourism – including areas of Edinburgh, sections of the mainland north of Inverness and parts of the Isle of Skye. I want to help redress this balance, and encourage slower and more sustainable tourism rather than whirlwind box-ticking tours.
For a taste of what is out there, check out the Interactive Map page or this wonderful film (used with permission) from Scottish filmmaker π John Duncan of π Drone Services UK showing just 100 possible destinations – some famous, some less so.
Go off the beaten track and you’ll experience things that make your trip truly special. Visit less popular sites, find time for a quiet wander, consider staying in a single region rather than moving on every night – and discover the real Scotland.
SOBT’s continually expanding online guide covers over 2,200 places all over the country, including more than 600 walks. From lofty hill climbs to short afternoon strolls, from tourist hotspots to little-known gems: hopefully you’ll find inspiration here, whether you’re planning a holiday or exploring your local area. Scotland’s influence – past and present – extends beyond its modern border, so I also cover a few spots in Northern England, approximately as far south as Hadrian’s Wall.
I aim to tell it like it is. If I love a place, I’ll say so. If I was underwhelmed, I’ll mention that too. If I don’t feel a place is worth visiting, it won’t be featured at all.
Look after yourself… and Scotland
I’ve created a page dedicated to looking after yourself and the places we visit, which can be found here. Please also make sure you are familiar with the π Scottish Outdoor Access Code before you go on a trip.
Disclaimer & Copyright
The information on this site is provided in good faith, but I can’t guarantee that all of it is correct. If you come across incorrect information, please leave a comment on the relevant page or contact me at the address below. Readers are responsible for their own research prior to – and safety and conduct during – visits to places featured on SOBT.
All the text and photographs on SOBT belong to myself and my partner. Our photos or any other content may not be copied or reproduced without written permission.
Contact & Data Privacy
To report inaccuracies or website issues, please leave a comment below or on the relevant page (please be polite). To get in touch privately, please email scotlandoffthebeatentrack[at]gmail[dot]com, replacing the words in brackets with the relevant symbols.
Please follow me on π Facebook and π Instagram (it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling).
I won’t share your name or contact details without permission, except with payment providers if you are purchasing something or making a donation.
I love one of your photos. Would it be ok to use it in some artwork if I credit you?
Hi there – thanks for the query. I’ve emailed you directly!
The waterfall you refer to as Downie’s Loup is not the correct waterfall. The correct waterfall is the one below the one in the photo and is very difficult to access. Should you wish to revisit please feel free to contact me on my email and I could show you exactly where and how to access Downie’s Loup.
Thank you. I’ve amended the page text – will hopefully manage to revisit soon!